
Disciplinary Measures


  • Discipline is a must for establishing an institutional climate that promotes the intellectual, cultural and personality development of the young ones.
  • Parents and guardians have to co-operate with the authorities of the school for enforcing discipline and regularity in the school.
  • Every student is expected to be of good conduct and behavior. Disobedience or unbecoming conduct which may negatively influence the moral tone of the school is enough reason for the dismissal of any student from the school.
  • Dismissal is immanent to any student who is persistently insubordinate or is repeatedly and willfully mischievous.
  • Dismissal is immanent to anyone who is guilty of malpractice in connection with examinations; who has committed an act of serious indiscipline and misbehavior; who in the opinion of the Head of the school has an unwholesome influence on his fellow pupils. They may be expelled permanently or removed from the school for a specified period of time.
  • Two official written warnings will be given for less serious cases, before the final expulsion. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness and neglect of homework by the students may lead to serious remedial measures. In other cases of serious lapses, corrective action will be given according to the gravity of the matter.
  • Disobedient student will be served with light disciplinary proceedings in view of making him/her restricted. Parents shall understand and cooperate with the school authorities keeping the spirit and mind of the disciplinary actions administered on misbehaving students.; nor shall they indulge in any form of rivalry among themselves on account of certain unwarranted behaviour the students in the school.
  • If the parents are too sensitive with regard to corrective measures, they shall inform the Principal in writing.
  • English is the only medium of communication and Instruction in the school. The students shall converse in English in the classroom and in the school premises. Using any other language in the school campus will invite corrective measures. The intention behind any corrective measure is excellence in academics and personality development.
